Working with international family members

Being able to meet the needs of family members living and working in different jurisdictions internationally is a significant aspect of our family office services.

The ever-increasing pace of legislative change and more complex arrangements between countries mean families with multinational members need to be confident that they are complying with legislation.

No matter where you are in the world, some priorities remain unchanged.

These include meeting your family’s needs, ensuring effective communication, co-ordination and planning for the future.

Smith & Williamson is highly experienced in advising a range of clients including:

  • Resident non-UK domiciled individuals
  • Non-resident non-UK domiciled individuals
  • Offshore trusts and
  • International families


How we can help

  • Family governance: Establishing a governance structure, capturing individual rights and responsibilities in the form of a family constitution, which can act as a ‘road map’ for the future.
  • Family co-ordination: Encouraging regular forums, family meetings and one-to-ones within an international context to assess financial performance, debate future activity, and provide a sense of unity and direction.
  • Residence and domicile advice: Structuring and planning your visits to the UK from a tax perspective to fit in with your commitments and lifestyle, and keeping the necessary records.
  • Investment management advice: Creating bespoke investment strategies to help individual family members achieve their financial aims, not matter where they are based. 


Meeting your needs


Regular and effective communication is the key to a successful family office service. We can connect family members living internationally and ensure a joined-up approach to strategy through a single point of contact.


Our goal is to achieve the best outcome for you through an integrated approach to wealth management. If you hold assets in different jurisdictions, we can provide you with a seamless, cross-border service – working with your existing advisers, or our contacts at Nexia International, a network of independent accounting and consulting firms.


You need to be sure that your adviser is acting in your family’s best interests, with a relationship based on open communication. We can help your family articulate their needs, provide considered counsel, and are happy to collaboratively engage with your domestic or international advisers to ensure total focus on your financial ambitions.




Contact us

Aiden McAvinue profile image
Aidan McAvinue

Director Jersey +44 (0)1534 716852

Contact us

Rupert Phelps
Rupert Phelps

Partner, Family office services London +44 (0)20 7131 4663

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