Personal Wealth Management - Spring 2019

The latest insights in financial planning, tax and investment strategies

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Welcome to our Spring edition of Personal Wealth Management. This comes to you in particularly uncertain times, both economically and politically. Today’s financial markets are creating a lot of ‘noise’ and in this latest edition, we aim to bring our insight to help you identify and navigate today’s financial challenges. 
In addition to the outlook for the UK housing and stock markets, we address the gender divide on pensions and potential solutions. While women are achieving equality in many walks of life, there is still a yawning gap on retirement provision. At the same time, we look at whether pension contracts in general offer the freedom promised by recent government reform and how investors can make the most of annual allowances while they still can.


Spring 2019

Housing market forecast

Housing market forecast rationale

We discuss the factors that will influence the UK housing market over the next five years.


Mind the (pensions) gap

Women may be achieving equality in many walks of life, but on pension provision, they still lag considerably.


Taking away the pain of tax self-assessment

Filing your tax return is still one of the most unpopular jobs of the year but HMRC has tough measures in place for those who fail to file a return.

Inheritance tax, Pensions tax reliefs and Capital gains tax

Budget reprieve: Use reliefs while they are still available

An overview of the valuable reliefs available – for now

Pension Freedom: Do you know your options?

Pensions freedoms: Do you know your options?

Defined contribution pension freedoms – the legislation is in place but does your pension contract offer you the freedom you need?

Making Charitable Gifts Go Further Through Donation of Shares

Making Charitable Gifts Go Further Through Donation of Shares

For any client wishing to support a charity, it is worth bearing in mind that there are a number of ways of making their gift go further

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Winter 2017/18 articles

Classic Car

Collecting classic cars - passion or profit?

We interviewed Bonham’s Chairman of the motoring department, James Knight, to help us understand the pull of classic cars as an investment and hobby

Patient Capital Review

Patient capital review

To incentivise individuals to make investments, there are a variety of tax reliefs available

Budget 2017 Birmingham event

Autumn Budget 2017

2017’s Autumn Budget had few key changes for individuals and family financial planning – until we delved into the documents published immediately after.

Complex family care decisions

Complex family care decision

Many face difficult decisions when it comes to the care of elderly family members market experts Grace Consulting look at how to weigh and resolve difficult circumstances.

The Trusts Register Service

The Trust Registration Service: what you need to know

The deadline to register with the online Trusts Register was 5 January

Moving towards an investment-led business cycle

Moving towards an investment led business cycle

A strong global macroeconomic outlooks is prompting companies to increase capital expenditure

Defined Benefits

Defined benefit transfers

Recent regulatory changes and favourable markets have made DB pension transfers a hot topic. But what are the risks, and could a transfer be worth considering?

housing, housing prices, interest rates, brexit, UK

The state of the residential property market

The next five years will be the start of a new housing paradigm

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