
Technology businesses, from new high growth digital technology companies to established advanced engineering and material manufacturers have a common challenge. The continual need to innovate and adapt to survive and grow.

To successfully evolve the business to support expansion, you need an adviser experienced in your sector, with the capability to bring together technical expertise, industry insight and the ability to provide and execute valuable strategic advice.

Our dedicated technology team has the initiative and commitment to help you break through the barriers you face at each stage of your business-cycle.

We have the local, national and global capabilities to help technology firms, from launch, to finding finance, restructuring for growth, leveraging international opportunities and exit. Our multi-disciplinary service enables you to structure effectively, maximise available tax benefits and build the value of your businesses. 

How we can help

  • Full service financial and business advice: Covering all the audit, tax and accounting needs of technology firms from early stage businesses to large corporate organisations
  • Business lifecycle support: From launch to exit we can provide expert actionable advice to help you grow
  • Supporting innovation: R&D tax relief, EIS, SEIS and business structuring
  • Scale-up expertise: Our dedicated entrepreneur and scale-up programmes deliver unique insight and networking opportunities for high growth businesses and ensure our teams are uniquely equipped to advise on a broad range of growth company challenges
  • Fund raising expertise: Through our corporate finance team we provide businesses with high quality advice at every stage of their growth cycle
  • Personal financial advice: Assisting business leaders with personal tax returns, financial planning and portfolio management.

Our credentials

Through our work with a wide range of technology and complementary industries we are close to the issues that matter to you and your business enabling us to tailor bespoke advice to help you gain a competitive edge.

We work with hundreds of growing businesses leveraging opportunities and tackling challenges. We understand how to create and evolve business infrastructure to successfully support growth.

Our offering is unique. No other firm can provide you such a wide range of personal, business and financing advice under one roof. Our truly multi-disciplinary expertise can be fully leveraged from day one or on an ad hoc basis as required.

You’ll receive high touch, hands-on support and advice from our partner led teams with a genuine understanding of your business and industry, as well as the connections and track record to deliver results.

Sectors we work with:
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Virtual reality/augmented reality
  • Cloud technology
  • Blockchain
  • Big data
  • Internet of things
  • Cyber security



Contact us

Fergus Caheny profile image
Fergus Caheny

Partner London +44 (0)20 7131 4216

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