Leaving a legacy

It can be unnerving to picture the world after you’re gone. No one wants to leave their loved ones behind. But there are certain steps you can take to help ensure they are looked after.

A lasting legacy is an achievable goal. But without proper planning your family could lose up to 40% of their inheritance through taxation. In the past Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning was simpler. However changes to tax rules mean structures like trusts now carry more tax risks and costs for the majority of people. However they continue to play a role in many of our clients' family’s financial futures.

How you distribute your wealth is your decision. Not everyone with children, decides to leave everything to them, some chose to make donations to charity in their lifetime or as a legacy in their estate. Manage the expectations of your beneficiaries and ensure the next generation understand the decisions you've made and the responsibilities inheritance brings. Whatever you decide, make sure the executors of your will have the understanding of and powers to fulfil your wishes.

What to consider when leaving a legacy

How will my investments and pension be affected by inheritance tax?
We can develop a bespoke strategy just for you using tools such as lifetime gifts, trusts and life insurance policies, and ensuring we use all available reliefs and exemptions.
How much of my wealth can I afford to gift away?

Our joined-up approach means you’ll have access to specialist advice from experienced practitioners from across the business. Financial planning and cash flow forecasting can help you understand how much of your wealth you can afford to gift now. It’s important to take into account your current lifestyle and ensure you have enough for your future.


How we work with you

Direct access
Our qualified team of professionals is at your service. When you speak to your representative, you know they’re on top of the issues that affect you.

A tailored solution
You will receive a personal service. We provide regular reviews and recommendations tailored to your needs.

Unique holistic financial plan
We consider your investments, tax and financial planning when drawing up your inheritance plan.

Drawing up a will
We’ll advise on drafting your will to ensure that your long-term wishes for succession are dealt with appropriately.

Trustee services
We can act as trustees or executors of a deceased person’s estate or advise trustees on fulfilling their duties.

We can take care of setting up and administering your plan.

The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not receive back the original amount invested.


Inheritance tax

Tax planning

Understanding tax-relief options and making more of your estate go where you want it to.

Tax planning

Trust & estate planning

Helping you plan for your family’s future with the use of lifetime giving, wills, trust and other family governance structures, and acting as trustee to ensure duties and responsibilities are compliant.


AIM portfolio service

Investing in the UK’s best-known smaller companies market as part of your IHT planning. 

Investment management, tax and financial planning

We can help you take care of your finances, and ensure you make the most of your money today with the support of our wealth management experts.

Nick Richards profile image }
Nick Richards

Partner, London

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