Dealing with divorce

Following a divorce settlement it’s likely you will have experienced significant changes to your personal financial position. Whatever your situation, our team can help you understand where you need to focus your attention for the years ahead.

At Smith & Williamson, we have experience working throughout the divorce process. We help many of the UK’s top divorce lawyers to get the best settlements for their clients by providing expert witness reports, covering company valuations, pension sharing, and tax advice on splitting assets. We are proud of the reputation we have built in this area, and it means we are regularly asked to comment on complex divorce issues in the national press and respected financial publications.

It’s fair to say, we understand what you’ve just been through. That’s why we put our wide range of expertise behind getting your finances right for your future.


What to consider following your divorce

What is my new financial plan going to look like?

Your financial plan will need to take into account your unique position and the current financial landscape. We can help you set goals in light of your new financial position whilst reviewing your income, outgoings and obligations.

Should I change the composition of my investment portfolio?

Depending upon the review of your finances following your divorce, it may be advisable to review your investment strategy. The objective of your portfolio or the level of risk you take may need to be updated to help you achieve your goals. Our investment managers can modify your portfolio to suit your new circumstances.

What is the best way to deal with pension assets?

Either by yourself or through your lawyer, we can help you decide on the best way to deal with the division of pension assets. Pension sharing, earmarking and offsetting are all options open to you and your former partner. We will review these options and ensure you understand the findings and what they would mean for your long-term finances.


How we work with you

Direct access
Our qualified team of professionals is at your service. You’ll have access to a team of professionals that understand your situation. When you speak to your representative, you’ll know they understand the entire divorce process and the issues that are affecting you.

A tailored solution
We provide a personal service, regular reviews and recommendations tailored to your needs, always considering long-term market trends and your risk profile.

Financial planning
Comprehensive advice will be given on meeting future financial requirements, such as capacity to borrow against specific assets.

Investment management
We can provide investment management services to help you meet your financial goals, whether that’s protecting your assets, to achieving capital growth or meeting your income needs.

We’ll assess your current pension situation, and whether anything can be done to maximise the benefits for you.


The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not receive back the original amount invested.


Investment management

Bespoke investment management

Tailoring your investment strategy to help you achieve your financial goals.

Cash flow forecasting

Bespoke financial planning

There is always time to renew your finances and create a bespoke financial plan just for you.

Tax planning

Tax planning

Let us help you achieve peace of mind by showing you how to navigate the complex tax system.


Pension planning

Make separating assets easier by allowing us to produce a pension sharing report.

Investment management, tax and financial planning

We can help you take care of your finances, and ensure you make the most of your money today with the support of our wealth management experts.

Daniela Glover profile image }
Daniela Glover

Head of financial services, London

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