Tax compliance

In an environment of greater digitisation, heightened scrutiny and increasing penalties, making sure you comply with tax rules has never been more important – or more challenging.

Tax compliance support can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. You may need to respond to a request by HM Revenue & Customs to submit a tax return or you need help dealing with the increasing complexities of greater digitisation. Alternatively, you may need to dispose of property or investments or make a claim for pension tax relief.

These issues involve complicated rules and legislation and a considerable amount of time and stress. Having access to specialist tax advisers who can ease the burden in meeting your obligations and turn things round quickly and efficiently can give you considerable peace of mind.


Meeting your needs


Our highly experienced team of tax professionals will prepare your tax return on your behalf, help you meet your reporting obligations and be available at any time to discuss any queries. 


We have extensive experience dealing with enquiries from HMRC, with whom we have an excellent working relationship.


You’ll get a very personal service tailored to your precise tax needs.


How we can help

  • Tax returns: Preparing all types of UK self-assessment tax returns and liaising with HMRC on your behalf.
  • Guidance: Guiding you through the complicated rules and legislation underlying the self-assessment regime, including advice on how to make best use of the available tax reliefs and allowances.
  • Self-employment: Preparing self-employment and rental accounts to calculate the tax-related profit/loss position.
  • Overseas returns: Collating information and creating a report for the completion of any foreign returns.
  • Payments and refunds: Calculating your tax liability (or refund) and notifying you when payments are due.
  • Investigations: Dealing with post-submission issues and HMRC enquiries and investigations.
  • Disclosure: Advising on the obligation of the disclosure of tax planning schemes and capital transactions to HMRC and completion of any necessary forms.


Our credentials


Our partners have an average of 20 years’ experience.


Our team comprises chartered tax advisers, chartered accountants and affiliates of the Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners.  


We are proud winners of numerous industry awards including:

- Eprivateclient Top 25 Accountancy Firms 2011, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Contact us

Geoff Everett profile image
Geoff Everett

Head of Private Client Tax Services London +44 (0)20 7131 8370

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