Employee Benefits Review Issue 2 2018

Insights for human resources and finance directors

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Welcome to the second issue of the 2018 Employee Benefits Review, which provides insights for HR professionals and finance directors. 
In a year of events that have significantly impacted many businesses across the UK, such as Gender Pay Gap reporting, the General Data Protection Regulation and Brexit negotiations, we outline the key issues likely to affect you and your organisation. 
We explore five trends you should be thinking about, including business continuity planning. While all businesses have insurance in place for factors such as business premises and important machinery, we find that a company’s most important asset — its key people — is often not protected.

There continues to be a stigma attached to mental health in the workplace and in this issue we consider what can be done. 
Other hot topics include the revamped ISA rules, and the need  to separate the fact from  the fiction when it comes to  pension freedoms.

Finally, with near zero unemployment in the UK, attracting and retaining talent is vitally important to the growth plans of any business. Our recent research report Dream bigger: The scale-up moment found that 73% of scale-up businesses have increased their headcount in the past year, more than double that of non-scale-ups. We look at the key components a business should consider.


2018: Issue 2

Pension Freedom: Do you know your options?

Pensions freedoms: Do you know your options?

Defined contribution pension freedoms – the legislation is in place but does your pension contract offer you the freedom you need?

Mental health in a workplace

Mental Health in the Workplace

Employers can play an important role in managing workplace stress, ensuring that employees are coping with the day-to-day demands and pressures of their job.

5 things all businesses should consider

Employers in 2018: Five trends you should be thinking about

We have identified five areas that all businesses should be considering now, and in the future.

2018: Issue 1

Auto enrolment changes

Auto-enrolment increases: Are you phased?

Why you should build rate increase into your budget now and communicate the financial impact to your employees.

employee benefit portfolio

Prudently expanding the employee benefits portfolio

Introducing financial education is a cost effective way of providing highly valued employee benefits

employee benefits advisers

Employee benefits: Are you getting value from your adviser?

Advisory firms connect companies with the employee benefits services they need, but are firms getting good value for money?

Autumn Budget

What does the Autumn Budget mean for employers

Key changes from the Autumn Budget 2017 that will affect employers and employees

Employee Benefits Review Millennial

Millennials and cover: Looking after the indestructibles

How to structure benefits to best fit your employee demographics

ISA rules revamp aids retirement saving options

ISA rules revamp aids retirement saving options

The ISA regime shake up brings huge opportunities for tax efficient savings. What are the changes and how can they help you?


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Steve Cave
Steve Cave

Associate director London +44 (0)20 7131 8194

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