Planning your investments

Finding the right balance of investments to manage, preserve and grow your financial assets in an ever-changing investment landscape requires careful thought and planning.

Clients often come to us having built up numerous investments and funds over many years, but might not have considered whether they’re over-exposed in some asset classes or under-represented in others.

A sound investment strategy usually involves having a portfolio of long-term investments across a range of asset classes while ensuring you’re comfortable with the balance between risk and reward. It should also take into account your family’s future financial needs, such as school or university fees, and the tax due.


Our approach


You’ll have direct access to our highly qualified team of professionals who stay on top of ever-changing market conditions and legislation, without the need for unnecessary middlemen.


You’ll get a very personal service, with regular reviews available and recommendations tailored to your precise needs, and which take into account long-term market trends and your attitude to risk. 


We don’t provide our own financial products, so you can be sure you’ll get independent, fee-based advice on the widest possible selection of relevant invested products from a trusted adviser.


Our in-house colleagues provide a range of services including active management of your portfolio by our fund managers if required.


How we can help

  • Asset allocation: Managing asset allocation across all your investments based on your risk profile. 
  • Optional reviews: Reviewing your asset allocations at least annually and making appropriate recommendations.
  • Tax planning: Ensuring your investments are held in the most appropriate tax wrapper and making the most of tax-efficient savings such as pensions, ISAs, National Savings and insurance-based investments. 
  • Active fund management: Accessing discretionary fund managers in our investment management business to look after your investment portfolio, if appropriate.


Our credentials


We build long-term relationships and have been advising some families over many generations. 


Our personal financial planning directors have an average of 20 years’ experience.

Track record

Our investment management business has over £19 billion of funds under management and advice as at 30 June 2017.

Contact us

Lee Sweeting personal financial planning
Lee Sweeting

Consultant Bristol +44 (0)117 376 2104

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