Personal financial planning

Sound financial planning is critical to ensuring that your income and capital work for you and your family in the most effective way. The way you manage your money now will have a significant impact on your future.

Working with Smith & Williamson provides direct access to our highly qualified team of specialists who are experienced in dealing with complex financial affairs involving substantial income or assets.

To help you meet your financial goals, we’ll listen closely to your needs and deliver straightforward impartial advice and actionable strategies based on the judgement and expertise of our teams.

We recognise that everyone’s financial planning needs are different, so you can expect a very personal service focussed on the achievement of your aims, with regular reviews available and planning for 'what if' scenarios.

You can also be sure you’ll get independent advice on the widest possible selection of relevant financial planning solutions from an objective adviser with your requirements front of mind.

How we help:

  • Complex financial reviews: establishing an informed perspective of your current situation against your financial aims
  • Cashflow modelling: assists in planning for various scenarios and in identifying, achieving and maintaining financial goals
  • Tax-incentivised investment options: maximising suitable tax reliefs to protect and enhance capital
  • Retirement planning: structuring later life planning to efficiently maximise potential income from a variety of sources beyond a pension
  • Divorce advice: ensuring that any impacts on your financial assets and outlook and any privately held businesses are mapped and necessary actions taken
  • Family protection insurance planning: ensuring that the remaining family has the continued financial resources to maintain their standard of living after the death of a family member
  • Inheritance tax planning bespoke advice to help pass on your estate as you wish

Our financial planning services for families can be provided as part of our overall family office offering or as an individual element.


Contact us

Joss Dairymple profile image
Joss Dalrymple

Head of Private clients interest London +44 (0)20 7131 4297

Contact us

Daniela Glover profile image
Daniela Glover

Head of financial services London +44 (0)20 7131 4440

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